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Discipleship groups

D-groups are small groups of believers that serve as the primary vehicle for discipleship at Renewed Hope Church. The heartbeat of these groups revolves around four key characteristics: willful accountability, theological training, intentional encouragement, and shared ministry.

These are not sequential steps of our groups, but an organic overflow of the nature and function of every group. Beyond the content and teacher of our groups (as awesome as those are), these are the distinctive features that make up each of our groups. Stop by the Next Steps table to learn how you can get connected to a group.

Fall Sign-up

Our newest session of D-Groups will start on September 17. If you have not signed-up, please contact CJ Van Moorleghem as registration has closed. 

This session will last a full 12 months with an option to join groups in February 2024. Also new this session: Wednesday Night Kids D-Groups. With the growing demand of children in our church, we felt the benefit of starting a Wednesday night study for the knee-knockers and ankle-biters! 

For questions about D-Groups, please contact CJ Van Moorleghem .